The Jerusalem Shelter |
A Home for Victims of Violence and Their Children
The core of Woman to Woman`s activity is the shelter, one of the first in the country , to which women arrive - victims of physical, sexual, emotional, verbal and economic violence. They are subject to a cycle of harm and are in physical or emotional danger. The shelter offers an immediate response to women from all over Israel, who are referred by the social services, and can accommodate up to 12 families (women and their children) at a time. The shelter is staffed by a professional team that provides the women with emotional and practical tools to reassemble their lives and leave the cycle of violence. A personal program is tailored for each woman, with the aim of helping her to believe in her strengths and to enable her to plan and choose new life opportunities. The shelter is also a setting for meeting other women from similar circumstances. The peer group is a significant resource for breaking the cycle of shame and secrecy, and for beginning a recovery process. During the months of the women`s stay, the shelter becomes home: it provides them with physical protection, along with a framework of basic well-being, which is a necessary condition for building the foundation for a new life. |